Friday, 22 August 2014

Sharing results to Facebook Using Unity3d

Sharing results to Facebook facebook developer website click on app tab >create a new app fill all the details including app domain

 2.Get an app id and use that id in given Script. 

 const string appId="14012223232";
 const string fbUrl=""; 

  public static void share(string link,string pictureLink,string name,string caption,string  description,string redirect) 
     Application.OpenURL(fbUrl +
} share just use 

classname.share(("", "", "Game Title", "caption", "Player High Score:1200000", ""); 

//redirect website should have  same app domain

Saturday, 29 March 2014

How to Access PC from Mobile Phone (Android)through wi fi

How to Access PC from  Mobile Phone (Android)through wi fi 

1.turn your wifi on pc and mobile.
2.on your computer open cmd prompt with admin privilege.
type this commands click enter

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=wifi key=12345678 
netsh wlan start hostednetwork

3.connect with this wifi network with given username and password.
here password is 12345678 ES file explorer. ES file explorer and go to options Network>Lan.
6.There will show your ip click it and you can see Your public folders. 

How to Connect SD Card Mobile Phone (Android) To Computer through wifii

How to Connect SD Card Mobile Phone (Android) To Computer through wifii ES file explorer.
2.go to options tools>remote Manager then click Turn on.
3.turn your wifi on pc and mobile.
4.on your computer open cmd prompt with admin privilege.
type this commands click enter

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=wifi key=12345678 
netsh wlan start hostednetwork

5.connect with this wifi network with given username and password.
here password is 12345678 my computer click on Add a network location. next and paste address given in your mobile on the box then click next .

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Solutions to X construction

X construction level 1


X construction level 2

X construction level 3

X construction level 4


X construction level 5

X construction level 6

X construction level 7

X construction level 8

X construction level 9

X construction level 10

X construction level 11

X construction level 12

Please add your valuable comments below about x construction for android solutions or walk through.i will put other solution pics soon.

bridge construction kit world 3 solution or walkthrough

level 1

 Level 2

Level 3 solution

bridge construction kit world 3 walk through,
Please add your valuable comments below about bridge construction kit for android solutions or walk through.i will put other solution pics soon.

Tags are : bridge construction kit ,bridge construction kit  walk through,bridge construction android,bridge construction kit solutions,bridge construction kit android walk through,bridge construction kit world 3,bridge construction kit level 1 world 3,world 3 bridge construction kit  solution,world 3 bridge construction kit  walk through