Sharing results to Facebook facebook developer website click on app tab >create a new app fill all the details including app domain
2.Get an app id and use that id in given Script.
const string appId="14012223232";
const string fbUrl="";
public static void share(string link,string pictureLink,string name,string caption,string description,string redirect)
{ share just use
classname.share(("", "", "Game Title", "caption", "Player High Score:1200000", "");
//redirect website should have same app domain facebook developer website click on app tab >create a new app fill all the details including app domain
2.Get an app id and use that id in given Script.
const string appId="14012223232";
const string fbUrl="";
public static void share(string link,string pictureLink,string name,string caption,string description,string redirect)
} share just use
classname.share(("", "", "Game Title", "caption", "Player High Score:1200000", "");
//redirect website should have same app domain